Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm Beginning To Feel Lightheaded...

I just looked at the Boise State Football schedule and realized that after tonight's game, we only have 3 games left for the season - unless we get into a bowl game - which, I don't want to jinx us, but we are undefeated as of this writing. However, I'm beginning to feel withdrawals already. Mom, what will we do for fun? How will we spend our Saturdays? Oh, I'm feeling so faint...

Maybe if I go buy a BSU couch, I could curl up in the fetal position and love it, and just wait for next season...


  1. Oh lord. I don't think mom needed to know about that couch. Now she'll never be able to look at the existing couches in her BSU room again.

    You are so funny. What EVER will you do? Maybe you need to find a hockey team that you and mom can get into.

  2. Don't like hockey, or basketball. You just have to understand, it's not even just football - it's our Broncos!!! It's blue and orange, it's Ian Johnson and Kellen Moore, and Jeremy Childs and the fans, and - oh heck, you just don't get it...

  3. Jodi's right----its an addition to the excitement----every play ! And hockey, I don't understand, basketball----they could play only the last 3 minutes and determine the score as that's usually when its decided anyway. All they do is run back and forth, back and forth------boring.! ! !
    Football is executing sneaky plays against a team that's dead set against having that play succeed.

    And yes, that sofa makes my blue ones too tame ! Where do I get it?

    Seriously, Jodi, its going to be a lonnnnnng 9 months till next season. ! I hope we survive mentally, emotionally.

  4. no, no, no-----not addition---


  5. I knew what you meant. By the way mom, that couch is only $550!!!!

  6. Dee, put it on your Christmas wish list! Sheri

  7. Yikes. I can't believe how fast the season goes by. I'm enjoying watching the games this season as always.
