Thursday, October 9, 2008

I Think They've Kicked In...

Even though the economy gets worse every day, and for the first time since I was in my 20s, I'm concerned about money and wondering if Elmer will ever be able to retire, I think I can at least be nice again. I did however, have to double my dose of happy pills.

I guess I'm like 90% of the rest of the nation right now. I don't remember ever being so afraid of trying to survive the next 3-5 years. I'm also concerned because when the Presidential race started, I was really concerned about how our new President would handle the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, I, along with most of the nation, wonder which one will help us through this scary time we're facing. I feel like this is probably the most important election I've ever faced - yet I'm still not quite sure which will get us out of this recession/depression the fastest and best way. But I know I'm not alone.

On a happy note, yesterday I took Adam to get his braces off! He looks wonderful and his teeth are beautiful! I'll post pictures later today. You know how 15-year-olds are, I'm going to have to sneak to get a picture!


  1. Im glad that you are 'happy' again, mom... even if it is drug induced. I really really hate when you're not. I Love you!

  2. Congrats to Adam!

    And yay for Happy Pills. :D

  3. I am glad you are being nice to Elmer. I get tired of his trading you out threats. :)

    We just need to pray. I think thats the cure to everything. ;)Love you Aunt Jodi!!

  4. I'm glad the drugs have kicked in. It's scarey how much we need them, isn't it??

    Since you opened this can of worms you know that I am going to urge you to VOTE FOR THE MAN WHO IS GOING TO BRING US REAL CHANGE. The Republicans have had 8 years, and look where we are: more terrified than ever, on every front (terrorism, finances, health care etc.)

  5. Lets leave the politics OUT

  6. Dear Elmer,


  7. Just had breaking news here in Boise that Micron is laying off 1,600 employees. I just thank God for what we have I guess - which is a job.

  8. Kate
    So sorry , my mistake
    But you made one to you said Man I know you meant Mrs. Palin
    Love Elmer

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I actually feel glad that I have no retirement, everyone I know is just sick.

  11. I love seeing you able to cope and not treatening body and limb of most people. Atta girl !
    We are all worried and need to change life styles. We've all been so spoiled, having anything we desire.----and "Grandma Bank of Idaho" is closed. I too am worried and I don't care for the idea of living in a chicken coop.
