Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gotta Love Him. Or Do I?

I know, I've used this picture before, but she looks SO MUCH like me. She even dresses like me - except she's not wearing lime green socks. I think I'm gonna get me one of those pretty hair things too...

I was in my bathroom putting on makeup. I've got this handy-dandy stuff I put on for "deep wrinkles". Adam, my dear-sweet-wonderful-smart-ass-14-year-old walked in and asked "What's that?"

"It's deep wrinkle cream to keep my wrinkles from getting worse."

Without blinking he replied "You should have started using that a LONG time ago."

I hope he lives to be 15...


  1. LMAO!!! <-- that means 'laugh my ass off', mom.

  2. I know what that means you idjit!

  3. I don't know what's funnier: you and Jacki or Adam. But he did try warning you a long time ago: remember when he told you that you had "moldy old skin"? Frankly, I'm surprised he lived to see 14.

  4. Gee, Jacki, even I knew what that meant. You girls can stop treating anyone over 50 as senile now ! cuz we isn't. A little forgetful at times, with "moldy old skin" but there are some profound thoughts every once in awhile ! I forget now what my last one was.

    Uh, when you hurt Adam, can I watch?

  5. Yea, he started called me "old and moldy" about 10 years ago. Elmer and I never should have reproduced...

  6. I think you have nice wrinkles

  7. Ohhhh, if anonymous is Elmer, then that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard.

  8. I agree with anonymous. I'll take wrinkles over botoxed, frankensteinish faces anyday.

  9. Haha! Im also LMAO! Thats good stuff!!
