Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Genetic Test...

A few months ago, my sister Kate decided she wanted to find out if she had the gene that increased her chances of having breast or ovarian cancer. She talked to her doctor who told her that I should be the one tested since I've already had it twice. It didn't really make sense to me so I didn't think too much more about it until I saw something on the Today Show yesterday. After watching that, I decided that I'd call MSTI (our local cancer center) and talk to a genetic specialist.

She was SO kind and nice and said "Oh my gosh, I can't believe your sister's doctor knew that YOU should be the one tested, she's exactly right." So, in order to let my sisters and daughter know if my cancer is something THEY need to be concerned about, I've set up an appointment and I'm going in for testing next Thursday.
From what I understand, if I don't have the gene, then my sisters and daughter will be no more likely to get either of these cancers than any other woman. But if I do have the gene, then they'll know that they each need to get tested to see if THEY have the gene.
I hope the gene doesn't show up, but if it does, I'll be so grateful that this testing is available and has been done so that they will know their options and can take whatever action the deem appropriate. I'll definitely let you know how the appointment goes and the results of the test once I get it.


  1. My sister, who has stage IV breast cancer got tested. Hers came back that the kind of cancer she has is not genetic. A year after that, my Mom got breast cancer (but a slow growing kind that normally only occurs in older women). My Mom's is not related to my sisters....but still scary none the less.
    I'm glad you are getting the testing done. It is a wonderful gift to your family!

  2. Hi Tallulah. I'm going to feel terrible if I have the gene, but I guess it's best to know so that they have the option of doing something about it. I'm glad that the gene wasn't there for your mom or sister. That must make you feel at least a little bit better!

  3. It is amazing that women can now be tested to see if they have the gene. Research has come a long way and of course more is being done everyday.
    I'm proud of you for making the appointment. The girls will need to know.
    love you !

  4. I was hoping you'd blog about this. I think it's so great that you are going to be tested. It IS a gift to us. But you should in no way feel guilty if it turns out you have it! That doesn't mean you "gave" it to us. It's just something that runs in families, like blue eyes or funny looking toes. The good news is that now we can know!

    Love you, sis!

  5. It's very brave of you to go through this, I have a lot of admiration for you. But DON'T blame yourself if they discover you have the gene -- that's nobody's fault!

  6. It's not brave of me by any means! All I have to do is have blood drawn! The girls are the ones who are brave, the results are going to affect them, not me.

  7. I did not know that! Now I want to know if my sister-in-law needs to be tested for the gene so my daughter can know is she should be concerned or not...

    Is it brave of you or not? What it is is self-less. And compassionate. I hope you do not have the gene, just for your peace of mind. {{{HUGS}}}
