Monday, October 27, 2008

Dear God Help Us - We've Had Another Mercury Spill...

Yes, it's true, we've had another horrific mercury spill here in Boise. It seems that during a Science class at Mountain View High School, an old mercury thermometer fell on the floor and broke, spilling 4.05 milliliters of mercury. They've closed the west wing of the school. One student stepped in the mercury and spread it to other parts of the west end. Once again, she's been appropriately scrubbed down with a wire brush and dipped in a vat of bleach to make sure she's squeaky clean.

The school should reopen on Wednesday, provided the chore of digging down 2 feet of the west end of the school goes as planned.

As if we didn't have enough to worry about with the election and the economy. And to think our parents used to stick those in our mouths. Please pray for us...


  1. Oh my dog. That is a bit over the top, isn't it?? David and his classmates used to PLAY with mercury in HS chemistry class, rolling it back and forth between their hands.

  2. Yea, we've talked about this before. We had some in our garage in GV and used to play with it all the time.

    I wonder... If I ACCIDENTLY broke a thermometer on my carpet - would my insurance have to PAY FOR ALL NEW CARPET? MAYBE FOR AN ENTIRE NEW HOUSE????

    Goota go, I think I may have an old thermomteter upstairs and I better make sure it's disposed of properly SO THAT IT DOESN'T ACCIDENTLY BREAK ON MY CARPET!

  3. You'd better watch it. They'll not only replace your carpet, you'll end up with a BASEMENT.

  4. That has been the BIG, DISASTROUS news for days. You'd think there was a bucket of it poured all over the kids and the classroom. So, how much is in a thermometer? a drop? 2 drops ? Oh my, that end of the school is closed and Freshman classes canceled for days. Crime scene tape is up and Hasmat teams have been swarming for days. And that's the actual truth ! Those guys must be laughing in those stupid hasmat suits, faces covered. Bizarre!

  5. I could see that being the new trend to get out of school: just drop a thermometer in class. Pipe-bombs are SO last year.
