Saturday, September 20, 2008

Six Unremarkable Things About Me...

My sister Kate did a blog post with the above title. She had to "tag" 5 people and um, I was one. So, here's 6 unremarkable facts about me that you'll probably find well, unremarkable...

1. I wear nothing but jeans, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. Ask Kate, I wore them to her wedding. Really, how boring is that.

2. I don't cry. Well, maybe once every 5 years or so. I rarely cry when I'm sad - what's the point? I used to cry if I got really mad, but there again - what's the point? (I actually think this may be some kind of mental disorder...)

3. I'm not very social. I don't like to "visit" - I don't know how. If I've got something to say, I'll call you on the phone. I'd rather not sit for an hour over coffee and try to think of something wonderful to say. (Another mental disorder?)

4. I'm not terribly sympathetic if someone has done something stupid. If you want sympathy, you might want to find someone else to talk to. (Oh Lord, I think I'm seeing a pattern here - I'm going to check myself in as soon as I finish this post...)

5. I love kids and old people. Kids are just starting out in life and so sincere and real while old people are toward the end of their lives, and so sincere and real! (Ok, I think this may be a little more normal, yet unremarkable)

6. I feel like I had one of the best childhoods anyone could ask for. I grew up loving nature and wildlife, had a wonderful family, my brother taught me how to hunt and fish, and our backyard was thousands of acres of forest where I spent hours exploring and discovering how great life was. (Ok, ok, I'm think I'm back to normal, yet still unremarkable...)


  1. Aww, that's fun reading that stuff about you. All of it absolutely YOU. And that's why we love you.

  2. Good thing I'm one of the old people, or I'd never get any sympathy or chatter.
    Yeah, this is fun----good idea tagging those people, Kate. I'm enjoying it.

  3. We're actually a lot alike... I'm not very social (I really hate the telephone, though) and I'm not very sympathetic. But I like kids and old folks. And animals. And if I could get away with it, I'd never wear anything but jeans and old tee-shirts.

  4. Oh Jaci, I'm sorry! I remind everyone of Maxine - you know the old lady on the Hallmark cards...
