Monday, September 29, 2008

The Late Paul Newman...

Legacy - noun. Something immaterial, as a style or philosophy, that is passed from one generation to another.

I just watched the most awesome tribute to the late Paul Newman on tv. It was an old interview with him and his wife Joanne Woodward. What a wonderful love story they had with over 50 years of marriage.

After the interview, the anchors talked about Paul Newman's charity work, especially The Hole In The Wall Camp, which Newman started for sick children. What an awesome man he was. While he made tons of great movies, was absolutely gorgeous, was a race car driver and political activist, and had a great life, his true legacy will be his camp and other charities he so deeply cared about.

I've always had a dream that if I were wealthy, I'd buy a bunch of property where I could take injured and unwanted wildlife and domestic animals. I'd have bunkhouses where underprivleged, sick, and at-risk kids could come and stay (all at different times) and learn to take care of them. I've had it all pictured in my mind for years. Maybe someday.

I think about death fairly often - I suppose it's normal after having cancer twice - but I'm not terribly normal so maybe not. But, that makes me think about what people would say about me if I died. Would I have made a difference somehow, somewhere? I hope so. I don't know why this is so important to me, but it has been for many years - even before I had cancer.

I hope if nothing else, I'll leave a legacy of kindness and compassion with my kids. Really, nothing else is important in life. If you have those two things it will usually get you where you need to go.

God Speed, Paul Newman. You definately made a difference in this world...

"We all leave footprints in the sand, the question is, will we be a big heel, or a great soul." - source unknown


  1. Oh, this is sweet. I couldn't believe he died; I actually cried!

    He was an incredible man on so many levels, but I really love how he was so committed to his marriage; god knows he could have had any woman in Hollywood. But he said, and I love this, "I've got steak at home. Why would I go out for hamburger?"

  2. I know, I heard that on the interview this morning. What a wonderful marriage they must have had and what a wonderful man he was.

  3. Those two people truly loved each other and understood each other completely. The one statement Joan Woodward made that stuck with me , was, when they met " he was so handsome, so talented , ( etc etc ) and he made me laugh." and he replied "we laugh a lot !" THAT is important. Marriage is so much better with laughter----good humor.
