Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Don't Often Write A Serious Post...

but I'm going to indulge you with one now.

My sister wrote a post the other day commenting (ok, chuckling) about the fact that a woman, who had been drinking, evidently passed out on some railroad tracks and was struck by a train. (YA THINK?) "Anonymous" commented that she was going to quit reading Kate's blog because that was so distasteful. Well, so be it in my opinion.

As a human being who has lost a parent to murder, I've discovered that much of life, no matter how distasteful, has to be laughed at. The way I've survived the last 25 years since dad was killed is to find things to laugh at. In fact, I think it's how we all survive (except mom). If it doesn't kill you, it's probably, eventually going to be funny. My tag line on my blog is "Eat one live toad in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day." I don't literally mean to eat a toad, I mean, look at life every day thinking about the worst thing that's happened to you. Then, think about how if that's the worst thing that happens that day, be grateful!

We tend to go through life thinking how awful it is. If you look at other people, there's always someone worse off - and I don't mean people who get drunk then fall asleep on train tracks. I mean people who have to live at the hospital because their child has cancer, or families who have a child who has been kidnapped and don't know where they are, or if they're alive or dead. THAT is stuff I can, and do, feel true sorrow for. I'm VERY glad that the woman on the train tracks wasn't killed, and hopefully, she learned a valuable lesson. But, ya know what? I can almost guarantee you, that if she DOES learn something from the event, that in a few years SHE'LL be laughing about it and the fact that she survived and will NEVER do that again.

As Dr. Phil would say "So how's that workin' for ya?" Well, to be real honest, it's workin' just fine. So Kate, continue to laugh, enjoy life, and if something tickles your funny bone, write about it. Life is too short. We all know that our family (except mom) has an odd sense of humor. But, we (especially mom) also have huge hearts. We will and have, done anything to help someone in need.
Life is good!


  1. Thanks sis. I just felt terrible that I'd offended someone. I obviously have NO problem offending family or friends, but strangers don't know that I am actually pretty nice.

  2. What's all this ------ except Mom? I see humor in goofy, rather sick things too, laugh when someone gets hurt----I used to laugh at your Dad all the time when he got hurt and boy did that make him mad. It took awhile to learn to sympathize first, go hide and laugh my head off.
    And yes, Kate, always keep your sense of humor, its what keeps us all from going nuts.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I never tire hearing words like this, thank you for cheering me up.

  5. Great post! People are getting wound too tight. Lighten up.

  6. The day after my mom died, my dad & Terry & I took a road trip to see Skip Wyckoff. It was Father's Day, 1995.
    Oh my gosh - we laughed so hard that day! If we weren't picking on me, we were picking on Terry. I bet no one around us would have known we were actually in mourning.
    It will always be one of my favorite memories.

  7. Laughter is a completely valid coping mechanism for tragedy. In fact, I happen to believe it is one of the better ones.

  8. Life is too short and too precious to take it seriously.

    Great post sis!!!

  9. ...please where can I buy a unicorn?
