Saturday, July 5, 2008


The following appeared in our neighborhood Hidden Springs Newletter that comes out every other week...

"Many of us in Hidden Springs have recently noticed the sound of the Bobwhite Quail in our community. It's the first year I've heard it here! Bobwhite Quail are distinguished by a dark cap stripe behind the eye along the head, black in males and brown in females. The area in between is white on males and yellow-brown on females. The body is brown, speckled in places with black or white on both sexes, and average weight is five to six ounces. The Bobwhite song is a rising, clear whistle, bob-White! or bob-bob-White! The call is most often given by males in spring and summertime. Other vocalizations include a range of squeaky whistles. I'm so excited to have this bird in our neighborhood!"

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I wonder where they came from?


  1. Ha! That is too funny. :)

  2. Shame on you and Elmer for releasing non-natives into the area. What if they multiply too fast, and run out the native quail. You'll feel bad! LOL!!!

  3. Bob Whites used to be here, and somehow they are possibly coming back. That is a huge addition to the wildlife. The noted birdwatcher who wrote that note thinks it is WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!
    No disparaging remarks, please .
    I love the fact that they broadcast their name !

  4. Ha! Next thing you know, there will be sightings of chickens, bunny rabbits and ferrets.....
