Thursday, July 24, 2008

Olympics Junkie

I'm an Olympics Junkie. I know there must be a cure, but I'm not willing to look for it. I look forward to the Olymics starting the day after they end. Winter or summer, it makes no difference. This year, Idaho has 8 Olympians going to Bejing. I'm impressed. I suppose our most famous Olympic contender this year is biker Krisin Armstrong - she works at the Home Depot I go to and helped me pick out the paint I used for our bonus room. I should have asked her to sign my paint can.

How could you not be fascinated with the Olympics? Almost every country, no matter how small, whether they're engaged in war or at peace, sends their best athletes to compete.

Whether you're a sports fan or not, how could you not love watching things like synchronized swimming? When do you ever get to see that other than the Olympics?

I did discover that Camp Erin will conflict with the last few days of the Olympics. I guess I'll have to tape them - I'm committed to go. Yeehaw only 15 days to wait!


  1. I do think there is a 12 step program that can help you with your addiction...

    I love you sis!

  2. I can't believe that Camp Erin conflicts with the Olympics ! And just how do you decide what to tape? You have literally counted the days till it starts---bummer.

  3. I love the skiing stuff and the horse stuff and biking. I didn't even know that sychronized swimming is an Olympic sport!

    I can't wait to hear more about Camp Erin. So cool...

  4. OMG! You have to watch synchronized swimming this year - it's really odd but fascinating!

    I go for training for Camp Erin tomorrow. I'm really excited and hope that if it's something I enjoy, next year I can be a cabin buddy. I just hope that somehow, my experience of losing dad will help me to help these kids who are going through such awful times. I'll definately do a post about it after training and of course, after camp.

  5. I love the olympics too (probably not as much as you though). My dad is working on K. Armstrong's road bike right now. He is making a cover for her chain so it doesnt fall off and then he's doing a suprise engravment of the olympic sign & her name on it (or somthing like that). Cool!

  6. How exciting for your dad to have a part in being on her "team" and being a little part of the Olympics! We'll all remember that when we watch her win her race!

  7. Synchronized swimming is not new nor weird. I grew up going to movies with Esther Williams, who was a SWIMMER and her movies always revolved around her sychonized swimming. It was so beautiful that when we girls went to the swimming pool we would go under water and perform some of her "moves". We thought we were "something"----so talented !
