Friday, June 13, 2008

Your're Never Gonna Belive This!

Two weeks ago, I heard about a promotion on KIDO Radio about a Father's Day Flyaway Contest. It's a trip for two to the Bahia Resort in San Diego with tickets to Seaworld and a deep sea fishing trip. Now you know how Elmer LOVES deep sea fishing. I'd been doing research for the last 2 months trying to find some place to take Adam for a vacation. I had looked and looked at San Diego but this year just wasn't going to be feasible. Well, this morning, Elmer WON the trip! We'll have to buy an extra airline ticket - actually two so that Adam can take a friend, and have to buy a few extra nights at the resort since it's only for 3 nights and 2 days but if we're going to go, we may as well stay a few days longer and enjoy the vacation. I'm off to the radio station at 1:30 to claim our prize and find out more about it!


  1. That is just the coolest thing ever! What a fabulous trip that will be ! Lucky you, lucky Elmer, and he was positive he would win! It is ATTITUDE that brings in that win. yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. WOW!!! That is frickin' AWESOME!!! I can't believe it! You and Elmer deserve this! And Adam is going to have a blast. Wahooo!

    When are ya going??

  3. Oops! That wasn't David; it was me. I didn't realize he was signed in on my computer at home.

  4. Well, how cool is that! Elmer comes in handy ever' once in a while, doesn't he?

  5. Kate, I just couldn't picture David saying -----wahoo
