Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Memorial Day...

Today, Grace called me and said, "Grama, we're going to have a picnic on the day we think about dead people. Do you want to come?" It took me a minute to figure out she was talking about Memorial Day. God I LOVE my grandkids.

Please take a minute to remember our soldiers this Memorial Day...


  1. Ha! Grace is such a nut! That is such a fun age.

  2. Grace has the sweetest little voice. She called me yesterday morning-----we talked about many things including the storm. When we taked about lightning, she said she liked it, and hail---- "that was awesome".

  3. Aww, I'm a proud mama. She makes me SO happy.

    We were in the car waiting to go to gymnastics when the storm hit. We sat there looking out the back window for about 10 minutes and counting (one, one-thousand...) after each lightning bolt and marveling at how cool storms were and how they were made. We talked about how lightening is electricity which is the same thing that turns on our tv and our lights. We talked about how lightning sometimes shoots down from the clouds, how it goes sideways and sometimes how it even shoots up from the ground. She was very impressed.

    Those moments are what life is all about. :)
