Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Awesome Picture...

In 2006, Ival and I took a great trip to Alaska with Steve and Marlette and our friends Chuck and Lowetta Beyers. Ival is usually not so good with the camera. He tends to forget to hold the button half way down in order to focus before he takes a picture. However, the picture he took below is one of the most awesome pictures I've seen. We were up high on a mountain when a float plane landed in the bay below us. One of the things I like about the picture is that it almost looks like the plane landed on snow/ice, but it's actually water. If you double click on the picture you can see it much better. I think someday I'll have an enlargement made and framed.


  1. It reminds me of one of those pictures you're supposed to stare at for a long time, (till your eyes cross and your vision is blurred!) in order to see the image.

    Cool pic!

  2. I love that photo; to me it looks like a skiier or something on a glacier.

  3. It would make a CRAZY jigsaw puzzle !!!!!!!!!! and that wuld make ya crazy !
