Saturday, April 12, 2008


Mom and I have just returned from a week-long cruise. While we had hoped to get a reading from a Medium, evidently there were a lot more spirits there who were pushier than dad, he didn't get to the front of the line. I'll blog more about that tomorrow but tonight, I have to tell you about reincarnation.

I discovered that a lot of people on this cruise believe that many, if not all of us, have past lives. I have to admit, it sounds rather interesting. Our Medium was talking to all of us saying, "how many of you have done such and such, or been someplace, or" anyway, she named about 6 things and as I looked around, I noticed everyone nodding. THEY had all experienced these things, why was I sitting there like a dummy thinking, "where the hell have I been?" Anyway, I discovered that everyone else has past lives, everyone but me. We were sitting at dinner one night with a small group and reincarnation came up. Someone asked me, "So what do you think you were in a past life?"

Well, you all know how I use "I've been through chemotherapy" as an excuse for anything and everything I do that's stupid, forgetful, or crappy. Well, I'm now adding to that and I have a new tag line:

I'VE HAD CHEMOTHERAPY - AND I'VE NEVER BEEN HERE BEFORE. I figure this will cover all my bases for the remainder of my time on earth.


  1. Aren't you glad you aren't crazy? ;)

    Can't wait to see you, let us know when we can come up!

  2. Jodi, you used that excuse a lot during that week and it just works! And it excuses a lot of boo-boos AND it gave us a lot of laughs. That week was so great, so beautiful and I just loved it !
    Thank you for making it fun !

  3. Veeery interesting. So you're a "newbie", huh? Yep, that explains a lot! :)

  4. Well, I've been here before. I KNOW I was ROYALTY. ^_^

    o o o o
    |o o o o|

  5. That must have taken forev e3r to make a crown! Aren't you glad I knew what it was?

  6. Um, yea, the crown didn't turn out so good, did it?
