Sunday, April 27, 2008


I've added a couple of Links to my blog. My sister-in-law Pam who is currently going through chemotherapy and is one of the strongest people I know, and her daughter Kelly who lives in France. She takes some of the most beautiful pictures! She does all the stuff I wish I had been brave enough to do. Some of it's pretty scary like rock climbing. I guess I'll never figure out what people see in doing that. It's scary, it's dangerous, and it's really hard work. I guess I look at rock climbing like jogging - if I ever see someone doing it with a smile on their face, then maybe I'll consider giving it a try.

Ok, Kelly has a smile on her face in this picture, but I think it's a smile of fear, like "Help me!"

1 comment:

  1. OMG the ground looks a loooooonnng ways down. I would pass out if I were just standing in a room near her looking down. !
    Enjoy, Kelly, it is an EXCITING hobby !
