Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm Full of Frustration...

Ok, I've had this goal for almost a year now. But now that I'm blogging about it, I figure I HAVE to git 'er dun. I have probably 20 CDs with pictures on them. Pictures of the kids, grandkids, all my relatives, all of our girls weekends, trips... it's just overwhelming. I want to take every CD and unload the pictures onto my computer than put them back onto discs by person or event.

Once Cds came out, I thought "Awesome! No more feeling guilty about not putting boxes full of pictures into photo albums!" But now, I have so many CDs that when I want a picture, I have to go through every one to find the picture I'm looking for. So, I'm setting a goal. By the year 2015 (but before December 12th because that's the day the world is going to end) I will have all my pictures onto CDs and properly labeled.

Am I setting myself up for failure? Do you think I should just hope the world doesn't really end on 12/12/15 and maybe give myself a few more years? Oh, I have a headache!


  1. You do have a problem. My pics are all still on chips, I just keep buying new ones, and hope by 2012 I WILL go thru the chips, eliminating the pics I don't want. In the meantime, picture taking has never been so expensive.!
    Share my headache !

  2. Mom! Let's get your pictures onto CDs! We'll start you out right though and make sure you're are labeled!

  3. Um, WHO SAYS the world is going to end December 12th 2015? Have you been snacking on peyote again??

  4. Where have you been? We've had this discussion on my blog before. Nostrodomus gives this date, the Mayan calendar ends on this date, and other stuff that I can't remember right now. That's why the nose piercing thing is ok. We're all going to die in a mere 4 years anyway!

  5. And the Bible said the world was going to end several years ago.

    But, um, ok....if that's what you're telling yourself, then how about if you pay for us all to go on a tropical vacation?? Who cares about credit card debt if we're all going to die anyway?

  6. Um, I would love to help with this project. When it comes to organizing things...I enjoy it (especially when it's not MY stuff!). :)

  7. oh , I love all the help. Perhaps I WILL get those darn things on CDs and then what do I do with them? Use them as frisbees? (jist joshin').
    My envelopes in which the chips recline are labeled ! That's a start.

  8. Or, we could hope the world ends sooner, and then the condition and location of our photos and cd's won't matter!
