Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Easter Bunny Is At Our House!

We released the pheasant into the great outdoors so we figured it was time to replace him with another farm animal.

Boo isn't quite sure what to think. She wants to either play with her or eat her, I'm not sure which. Her name is Emo.


  1. Emo is so sweet. I got to hold her today and she is so soft , feels like a chinchilla. And so tiny.
    The pheasant couldn't come in the house, but Emo is there with you, and Boo and the dogs. Its a learning experience for the other animals.------watch theys teeth.

  2. Cute! How long are you going to keep it?

    Andrea still has Pearl. She's almost 8 years old. She's an old lady in bunny years, but she's still a sweetie! I cuddled her for a bit when I was there last weekend.

  3. Hopefully she'll live with us forever!

    Hey, a FREE woman for two weeks!!! YEEHAW!

  4. OH MY GOD. I want to know more about her. Anna is BEGGING me for something cute and cuddly...we were thinking guinie pig but then I read that they're really stinky and that you have to clean their cages every two days. You have to keep bunnies in cages, too, don't you?

    So girls, tell me everything you can about bunnies....the good, the bad and the evil.

  5. Well, one thing I like about bunnies is they don't bite and they're not afraid of anything. Not dogs or cats and they love kids. You can train them to a littler box but I think for the summer, we're going to put Emo out in the cage where the pheasant was because they love to be outside. They're great pets. Anna would probably love one!

  6. Well, then I started doing some research and discovered:
    1. 85% of female bunnies die by the age of 3 due to uterine cancer!
    2. Many bunnies, in fact, do NOT like to be held and will scratch and bite when you try.
    3. Buniculas love to CHEW and can be very, very distructive to all power cords, clothing, furniture, base-boards (!) name it.

    So while it's too late for you (bwahahahaha), I'm opting against a bunny-pet. Although they really are the cutest damn things ever.

  7. Trust me, Emo is NOT going to have the run of the house. They do chew things (they have to in order to make sure their teeth don't grow too long). She's gonna be an outside bunny during the summer and inside (in her dog kennel) in the winter. pppptttthhhhh~! (is that how you spell a raspberry?)

  8. we used to have a bunny that was never in a cage. He was pretty much just like a cat. He was potty trained (either in a litter box or outside). He never chewed on anything inside. He did all that business outside. He slept under our beds at night. The worst thing he ever did was thump under our beds at night. ARGH! We did put him in a rabbit hutch outside for the winter, I think thats where they would be prefer to be anyways during the winter months. We loved him!!!! I think he was our pet for about 4 years... then he got eated my a coyote. We wont go there!

  9. Jod, what KIND of bunny is that? It really is adorable. MUCH cuter than a freakin' guinea pig. What do your dogs think?

  10. It's a little dwarf something and the dogs love her and she isn't the least bit afraid of them. (and their poop doesn't stink!) If you get a dwarf, they stay small. Emo will get about 2-3 lbs. They are much cuter than guinea pigs aren't they!
