Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Daisy, Rosie, Adam And Emo...


  1. Oh, my gosh that's cute!

    That is just how Pearl has always been. So sweet, and VERY trusting, for a rabbit. Hilde and Pearl used to both sleep ON the bed with Andrea, every night. Hilde was always sweet to Pearl, and Pearl just LOVED Hilde.

  2. What the...? How the...? HOW did you get that dog to sit there with a bunny on her head?!

    Now you guys are making me want a bunny. STOP IT.

    what kind of bunny is emo?

  3. Daisy is a lazy dog and she and Rosie love the bunny. Adam put Emo on her back and Daisy was walking around with her there and the bunny didn't fall off! I couldn't believe it. Finally, Daisy sat down which made Emo start to fall so instead, she scurried up Daisy and onto her head. She sat up there for a long time, until Daisy laid down, then Emo jumped off.

    I don't know what kind of bunny she is, she's a dwarf "something" but won't get over 2-3 pounds.

    If you're scratching her on the head or between her ears, she'll sit with you quietly for a long time. otherwise, she does love to run around on the couch and hops up on the back of it so look out the window.

  4. awwwww, that's sweet. Daisy is such a gentle dog, but so is Rosie. Lucky rabbit !
    Kate, go ahead and get a bunny, you just have to pull its teeth so it won't chew on cords, etc. They are so cute, so cuddly. When animals are treated gently, they are more likely to be gentle. It sounds as tho others have had bad experiences.
    Lets see, what would a toothless bunny look like? not the dog Jodi showed needing braces !!!!!!!!!!

  5. Well, and don't they leave pellets everywhere??

  6. I hear you can train them to a litter box. I've only found a few little pellets. But she doesn't have the run of the house.
