Saturday, January 26, 2008

This Is Such an Awesome Website!

Here's the link to the most awesome website. Be sure to read the biography, etc and have the sound on! What a neat kid!


  1. So I hear you're not going now! I told mom "Gee, I hope our wedding plans don't interfere with them going to Belize!" and she said that you're not going now! Do tell!!

  2. It was very easy to find all the touristy information about Belize - in other words, all the good stuff. But I had to dig deep - ok, I've been obsessed with it for the last week, to find why Belize is still so undiscovered.

    While I think Ival and I would LOVE it there, it's probably not a place mom or Adam would love. There are parts of it she'd love but it's definately still a third world country.

    Grocery stores are sparsly stocked. One thing I read was someone said that much of the canned goods are out of date and "if you want a nice can of pears, you won't find it." Well, that really doesn't make much sense to me - with all the fruits and vegetables grown there, why the hell would you WANT a can of pears. There's no speed limit so driving can be dangerous. There are quite a few murders (mostly among the locals) in the larger towns. I couldn't find anything just awful about it - just inconvenient.

    I guess that to sum it up;, it's still pretty remote - not what most people are looking for to retire to. Most people still like to have the comforts of home available like you can get in places like Aruba, Mexico, etc.

    To me, it sounds like Belize would be wonderful. Find your property with orchards already on it and build a small home and just live on it and catch fish or lobster or crab for food!

    I think someday we'll definately go check it out! It's definately cheap, peaceful, and rustic if that's what you're looking for!

  3. I saw the helping hand you sent Pam - how sweet of you! She's really enjoying getting those every day.

  4. Ha! Mom said it was cuz Ival discovered you're not allowed to own guns there! It pains me to admit this, but David feels the same way. Believe it or not he's adament about owning a gun (or 6) to protect your family. Who'da thunk I'd end up with Mr. NRA??? ha!

    Anyway, yeah, the third world country thing would suck. Because you'd be seen as a "rich American" and that could be ugly and dangerous.

    I had fun doing that hand; are you doing one? I think it's just the coolest idea ever!! Wish we'd done that for you...

  5. Yea, guns are illegal and so is being a homosexual. On that note, I found a blog by two gals who moved there from England that just love it! It's fascinating to read about life there - they're totally accepted adn actually white people aren't seen as rich. They feel more that way about tourists - of any color.

  6. Mama's a woose. At my age I do like my comforts and don't need to live "3rd world like". If I'm still around when you go, I'll come see you for a week or two in the winter------staying in a luxury hotel. How's that !
