Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Have This Hair...

I hate moles.  I have this little one on the left side of my upper lip that I hardly ever notice.  I've decided that I'm now at the age where I evidently need to pay a little more attention to it.  You see, it has this hair that grows out of it.

Normally, the hair is no longer than the other cute little invisible hairs that grow near my lips.  For some reason, today I decided I should probably check it and damn!  That little sucker was probably a quarter inch long - how long has it been like THAT?  And why is it that only facial moles get those ugly hairs?

I remember once when I happened to scratch my neck and found this hair that was probably, AND I'M NOT EXAGERATING, 3 inches long.  Dear Gob, how long had it been there and why hadn't SOMEBODY who loves me told me about it.  How hard is it to say, "Hey, by the way, you have this big old long, ugly hair growin' outta your neck.  You may want to pluck that ugly sucker."

Be assured, if I ever notice a big, ugly hair hangin' off some part of your body where it doesn't belong, I'll tell you.




  1. You frickin LIAR. You would NOT tell us. First you'd laugh, and then you'd go get somebody else to point it out to so that you could BOTH laugh.

    For what it's worth, I have one of those hair-sprouting moles on my face too. Maybe the same day we all go get our noses pierced, we can have our moles removed. Sort of a two-for-one.

  2. PS. WHAT. IS. THAT. THING??????

  3. HA! That's why I said "probably. maybe." I would however, eventually tell both you and Linda - but I have to admit - first I'd laugh my ass off for a day or two. or a week. ok, maybe a month. or two.

    That thing is a MOLE! A hairless mole - 'cept he has mole on his face with some big, ugly hair commin' out of it too! I just LOVE the things you can find on the internet! I did a search for pictures of "hair growing from mole" and darned if I didn't find one!

  4. Honest, Sis, we never saw that long 3" sucker,... Did we Kate?


  5. Don't even try to tell us YOU'VE never had one of those!

  6. I have one that grows out of my chin-----makes me feel like the wicked witch of the west. I look, and twist my head, feel with my fingers, get the flashlight---can't see it. But when I eventually see Cheri, the first thing she does is reach over and PLUCK THAT SUCKER ! damn, and I try so often !
