Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Finding Dimes...

Mom has been finding dimes for several years. Sometimes in places you'd expect, but often in the oddest places. I remember a few years ago, she had to have an MRI - her second. The first had ended in disaster - she got terribly claustrophobic and had to have them stop and take her out. She was terribly embarrassed. She finally decided her back was hurting so much that she scheduled a second one. She was afraid of not being able to complete it again.

She arrived at the clinic and put on her hospital gown, leaving her clothes in the dressing room. As she walked into the room for her MRI, she remembered she had glasses on. She stepped over to a ledge and laid her glasses down and proceeded with the MRI - and completed it even though she was scared. After it was over, she walked over to the ledge to retrieve her glasses and laying next to them - where nothing else had been before - was a dime.

Some Mediums claim that finding dimes is one way spirits or angels are trying to communicate with us. This next story of mom's sure makes me wonder...

Several months ago, mom mentioned to me that she had lost one of her favorite earrings - it was turquoise and matched a necklace she had bought. She looked everywhere for that earring - and if you know mom, you know she looked EVERYWHERE - the woman NEVER gives up! Mom's carpet is cream color so she even dropped the other earring on the carpet to see what the missing one would look like - still no luck.

Evidently, when Linda was here a few days ago, they were in mom's bedroom and mom told Linda about the missing earring. Then, she said out loud "OK, you can drop dimes, why don't you drop that earring I've been looking for!"

Mom told me this morning that yesterday, she walked into her bedroom closet - and there was the missing earring - laying in the middle of her closet floor.

Koinkydink? I think not. I truly believe mom has someone watching out for her. Your thoughts? Have any of you ever had an experience that kind of freaked you out? I know Sue and Sheri have had several - tell us about them!!!!


  1. My thoughts are,... "If you can drop dimes, how 'bout dollar bills?"

  2. I thimk that is so cool that your Mom got her earring back! I truly believe there is a spirit world ad us! I have had several things that have happened to me .... I am bad at this typing so I wont go into my stories now.... We really need to get together sometime!! Love Ya All Sue

  3. geeze. They aren't there to make you rich. Its just a signal that they are there for you. Silly girl!

    It happens to lots of people, and at first I ignored it, but it happened so often I HAD to pay attention. and the earring was ----well, it was funny. Imagine me saying " if you can drop dimes, you can drop my earring" and they did. Now, that's a sense of humor!

  4. Never thought a thing about seeing dimes all the time and in the weirdest places(3 under my buffet cabnet) were I just mopped a week before. Then I saw a psychic on tv and she said that spirts of loved ones drop these DIMES. I continued to ingnore such a silly thing. I don't care for this psychic anyway and think she is a fake. The dimes kept coming....not pennys, quarters , nickles, but DIMES. so out of curiosity I decided to google (dimes Spirits) and that's how I found your web site. I still don't know why or what they are trying to tell me. Any thoughts? Joan

  5. Hi Joan! My mom started finding dimes about 10 years ago. My father was a law enforcement officer who was murdered in 1981 and she had an uncle she was very close to that died about the time she started finding dimes.

    Have you lost anyone that you think would be trying to communicate with you? I'm like you, I don't believe that everyone who claims to be psychic really is, but I do believe that those we love try to communicate with us if we're willing to listen.

    I just have a feeling that someone you've lost is trying to let you know that they are ok.

    I hope you find this response and let me know who you think might be sending you messages!

  6. I lost both my parents to cancer; mother almost 17 years ago and my father 3 years ago.

    In August 2008, I was finishing brunch with girlfriends when the waiter came around to take our plates away. As he lifted my plate, there were two dines strategically placed under my plate. At no point during brunch did I leave the table and when my girlfriends saw the dimes... we were puzzled where they came from. Later the same day, I was reading Joel Osteen in bed. (I make my bed everyday and never put anything on it after I do.) I got up to answer my phone and when I lifted my book to continue reading ... there was a dime right under the book. (Still in disbelief and thinking coincidence of the dime occurrence.) Until the next day, I was walking through NY - Grand Central Station when I turned a steep corner; as I did, a dime flew out of a man's hand and landed right in front of feet. Creepy.

    Ever since, the dimes will happen in multiple occurrences. I have researched dimes and spirits/ghosts. The one definitive conclusion I have been able to make is that dimes are the lightest of the (current) American coin currency. It would make sense that it is the easiest to communicate with. However, is there more meaning to spirits that use dimes? Are they different spirits? I always say that the dime "person" is my father since my mother would communicate with her old lady perfumes that she use to own.

    Thanks for the story!

  7. Thanks for your comment! I just find this all fascinating. My mom and I are going to see Lisa Williams in August - she's coming to Boise. We're sitting in the front row. I'm REALLY hoping we'll get a reading from her!
