Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our Newest Addition...

He's finally here! Welcome baby Kole! He was born October 13th at 12:31 in the afternoon and weighs 5 lbs. 6 ozs. He's having a few breathing problems so he had to go into the NICU, but he should only be there a few days and then be able to go home!
We love him!
Jacki is doing remarkably well and Tim's a very proud daddy!


  1. Yay!!! I can't wait to see him!! Babies are SO precious. :)

  2. Wow, he's bigger than I expected. Good job Jacki!!!

    First thing Auntie Lala is gonna do is give him a spankin' for being so naughty the last few months! he, he, he...

    Actually, I can't wait to see him. What a sweetie!

  3. Awww!! He's gorgeous! And Jacki looks beautiful as always. Welcome to the "outside" baby Kole!

  4. When we saw him Sat. nite, he looked so cute. He was all kicked back, sleeping, even tho he had tubes everywhere, ------the nurse said "He's happy." He'd better be a GOOD boy cuz he already gave Mommy a bad time !

  5. Hey. How come you haven't blogged about your boobies??

  6. yay for the baby kole!
    i agree wit my mom, he needs a spankin for bein such a poop an puttin his mom on bed rest. but then he needs lots a kisses!
    hehe. im excited to see him. glad my gocki's ok too. :)

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