Friday, October 26, 2007

Gracie, Gracie, Gracie

At the age of 6 months, Grace and Jake came to live with us. I had no idea the impact she would have on my life. As we grow older, we realize how truly important family is. Grace was abandoned by her biological mother at 6 months - luckily though, Grace had so many family members that loved her as you would love your own child. I'll never forget Jacki telling me once, "Mom, I love Grace so much that I'm afraid I won't love my own baby as much as I love her." Well, needless to say, Jacki had enough love to go around!
Grace was (and is) intelligent beyond her years. She's full of questions and even has a lot of answers! She's polite, funny, and a true joy.

I used to take Grace to a small home daycare here in Hidden Springs. When she began to talk, she realized that all the kids had moms who came and picked them up every day. One day, when I went to get her, she came running up to me and held out her arms and yelled "Mommy!" I was stunned. This was something I had to really think hard about. I wasn't sure how Jake would react and I wondered if it would be harmful to Grace to allow her to call me that. After thinking about it for some time and getting advice from a friend who is a child psychologist, I decided it would be best to go along with whatever Grace wanted to call me if it made her feel more "normal". So, until Jake and Heather got married, I was mommy. I've had SO many people ask me "Doesn't it bother you that Grace has a new mommy?" Nope, I couldn't be happier. She now has her real mommy and I get to go back to being Grama!

Gracie - you are my sunshine - and my little sidekick!


  1. Awww. That is so sweet! Grace is one of a kind, that's for sure! She's such a character.

    I LOVE that picture of her and Jacki. So. damn. cute.

    And I really love all these stories you're doing about the family. So fun to see what you'll say about each peron.

  2. Grace is something, isn't she? She brings a bit of sunshine to all of us. And she just keeps getting cuter and cuter.

    You're a lucky Grama.

  3. Grace is such a joy and she had such a good start, LOTS of love, not only from you, Jodi, Ival, Adam and Jake but all the extended family. As we all can see, she thrived on all that love and care !

    I love to hear her having a conversation---and she holds up her end very nicely, thank you, her voice is so sweet and her thoughts and opinions are definately her own !

    LOVE the pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Grace is very lucky to have you for her Grama and she loves you to pieces. ^_^
