Wednesday, September 26, 2007

They Say the Nut Never Falls Far From the Tree...

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to tell the story of my family - one by one - and I have pictures of all of you! Naturally, I'll start with the matriarch of the bunch, but by the time I'm done, hopefully I'll have a new grandson to add at the end! I hope you enjoy my thoughts...

Mom is one of a kind. She married dad while he was finishing college. His schooling to be a Game Warden, meant he spent a lot of time in the toolies - which meant mom spent a lot of time in the toolies. In fact, for a short time when my brother was young she lived in a tent.

Mom was the strength of the family. Dad, being a good Game Warden, spent a lot of nights away from home. While he was gone catching the bad guys, mom was home raising the good guys. Yea, I think we all turned out pretty well... Thanks mom.

Dad's death was hard but mom was always so composed. Always a lady, always gracious, always classy.
Now that she's older, she is something else! She's energetic, loves to travel, always willing to try something new (except bungie jumping or parachuting). She's taken us places we never would have seen had it not been for her.

While I can't really see it, everyone says we look alike. I guess we do both have dreadlocks. I only hope to be a beautiful as she is someday!
Mom, you've taught us well. Thanks for everything!


  1. Aaawww! This is an awesome idea, sis!! I'm a little bit scared to see what you'll say about me....maybe we can just skip it??

    I love this post about mom. She IS an amazing woman; the glue that holds us all together. In fact, I think we should start calling her "Elmer".

  2. Hey, I'm doing this perspective of the family through MY eyes. I think we ALL should do it - could be fun to see what we think of eachother!

  3. Or, it could cause World War Three. :)

  4. Awwwww, is right. What sweet things you have said. Thank you dear Jodi. Now, you other girls, if you do that too------be kind. I'm very fragile !!!!!!!!!

  5. Yup, that's our Mom. She's pretty amazing.
