Friday, September 21, 2007

Never Put All Yer Eggs In One Baskit...

The chickins and quail have all started layin' eggs. Elmer fixed 'em up a right nice hen house with 6 nests fer layin' eggs. Unfortunately, they only like one nest. They do however, take turns. Not sure who started this mess but we have one nest with a hole mess 'a eggs in it. The chickin (bein' the biggist) likes to sit on all of 'em. She won't leave til it's time to eat, then she'll run fast as the dickens out to eat, and while she's doin' that, the quail will run in and lay an egg and take over the mutherly duties. The chickin however, don't like that one little bit so she sits right on top of that quail, sittin' on top of them eggs.

If you look at the VERY bottom of the picture, you can see the little quail all squished up right under the chickens wing.

At the bottom of the picture here, you can see the quail a little better (the white bands on her head) - they continue doing this. I suppose someday, the quail will smother... Stupid birds.

1 comment:

  1. Ya know, Thelma Lou, you an' Elmer sure got the whole hillbilly thing down to a science. Seems to come right easy to both of ya.

    Yer startin' to make our brother look stuffy...
