Thursday, September 27, 2007

Believe It Or Not, She's What I'd Call The Most Sophisticated Of The Bunch...

Other than mom that is. Linda is, and always has been, her own person. In her younger years, she had a rather rebellious side. Always out doing something she shouldn't be doing, but wanted to. She could go to a kegger out in the freakin' boonies - 30 miles from town and somehow, dad would drive up and haul her home. We never did figure out how he found her in such remote places! She may as well have been wearing a neon sign that said "Hey, I'm doin' something I'm not supposed to be here - come and get me!" And, unfortunately for her, dad always did.
Linda and I had our rough times when we were growing up. Then when we became adults, we became best friends. Then we had some tough times again - maybe we're too much alike. But we've now accepted eachother as individuals and I think the world of her.

Linda has two beautiful daughters, Lisa and Andrea. They too are their own special people, as individual as can be - but truly special. I couldn't love them more if they were my own... Then Harry met Sally - I mean Linda met Bob. I love Bob. He hauled her up onto 40 acres just out of town to a little shack with no power and no running water - I was jealous! Somehow, however, every time I saw Linda, she was showered, her clothes and earrings matched her outfit, and she just looked like she had stepped out of a magazine - I guess I'd have to say she has really awesome hygiene!

This is her bird Grace - she's mean.

Yet Linda is always willing to be adventurous and have fun whenever the opportunity arises! What a dork! She's still one of my best buddies and I love and miss her since she moved to Portland.

You da' bomb!!!!


  1. Oh yeah, she's sophisticated alright! :) You should have posted the "tricycle" series of photos; those are just so Lala. Even when she was a baby, you could tell she marched to the beat of a different drummer.

  2. Linda has the craziest sense of humor (she had it even as a small child !) and she brings out the outrageous in everyone. Ask her about the snot factory ! I love when she calls and says something wild that makes me laugh so hard I have to sit down. She and Bob are just right for each other !!!!!

  3. Linda, as you can see, we tried to fry your bird, but she ratted on us.

  4. See Kate! YOU think I dress tacky, but Jodi thinks I look like I just stepped out of a magazine!

    >Strutting like a peacock...<

    Buy the way, Jodi, I DID add a new entry to my blog. With this job now, I will probably only get to blog on Fridays. Not much opportunity during the rest of the week. :o( But it will certainly fit in with that whole sophisticated thing all right!

  5. Next installment! Next installment!!!
