Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I Have Been Challenged to a Duel...

In reading Linda's blog "What doesn't kill us will make us stonger," she stated her "fear" of youngest sister Kate. Now Kate talks big, but she's rather a sissy - unless you get her talking about politics, religion, anonymous comments on her blog, head lice, the overly-friendly checker at Albertsons, her boss, her co-workers, her neighbor Ted, or her ex-husband's new girlfriend. But other than that, she is definately a sissy - and I told her so.

So the sissy-sister has challenged me to a duel - at sunrise on September 15 - the morning of Linda's wedding - on the beach at Rockaway, Oregon. She has said she shall go by the name "Puss-n-Boots" (see, even the name she picked out is sissy...) I accept your challenge Kate, and I shall be known as "Twisted Sister" or "Nasty Nancy the Dueling Natzi" - I haven't decided yet. But leave your cotton candy at home - for we shall leg wrestle - on the beach at Rockaway, Oregon - at sunrise - on the day of Linda's wedding - September 15.

And I shall kick your sorry butt...


  1. You are SCARY !!!!!! I can see Kate out there on the beach, bouncing up and down, throwing punches, snorting, like Rocky !
    Glad I'm only watching !!!!!!!!

  2. Mom: who says you're only watching? You brought us into the world; I think you need to participate.

    Jodi: Oh. OH. Now you've done it; I'm afraid I have no choice but to hurt you very badly.

    Leg wrestling?? I should warn you that I've been riding my bike 10 miles every day. Perhaps you should choose something you might actually have a chance at, like...oh...I dunno: a licorice eating contest.

  3. Black or red???

    Actually, I shall give you a choice - leg wrestling or chicken fighting (this was Jacki's suggestion). We'll find monkey bars, hang by our arms, and fight eachother with our legs until one of us drops - which shall be you.

    Choose your method Puss-in-Boots!

  4. This is just sad, really. You do not stand a chance and yet you insist on going through with this. Alright, leg wrestling it is. Prepare for pain.

  5. Mom, I think we could sell tickets and t-shirts and make a small fortune here. Waddaya think?
