Monday, July 9, 2007

Did I tell ya I'm gettin' new boobs????

On July 31st, my mom and I are going to Toronto. For 5 years, I've had the "freedom" of not having to wear a bra. I have to admit, I like it. However, I don't like the stares and the fact that all I can wear is sweatshirts and too large t-shirts in order to try and hide the fact that I have no boobs.

I've tried prosthetic breasts from some of the stores that carry such things. They're ungodly heavy, they're extremely hot, and they shift - making me wonder if one ends up under my armpit instead of where it's supposed to be - would anyone tell me? For there being SO many women like me who have no boobs - why haven't they come up with something that is better.

So, a year ago, I started doing some research on the internet looking for "custom" breast prosthesis. I found ONE place that makes such a thing. There's a lady in Canada named Irene who started out making facial prosthesis for cancer victims. Then, she discovered people like me who needed services like hers. I'll be working with Irene for 4 FULL days.

On my last appointment with my Oncologist, I told him about my trip to Canada. At first, he was horrified, thinking I had scheduled reconstructive surgery. He told me I was NOT a candidate for it (which I already knew). Then I explained further what it was and now he's fascinated and can't wait for me to get them. He wants me to come in and show him my boobs!

Actually, this is so new and something he's never heard of and so he's really excited to have another option to give to his other patients. (I should have told him I'd show him my boobs if he'd help sponsor my trip - these things aren't cheap!)

So anyway, 4 weeks after I return from Canada, I'll be gettin' my new boobs by FedEx! I can't wait to wear normal clothes again!

If you know a woman who might be interested in Irene's work, her website is I want every woman like me, who doesn't have the option of reconstruction to know about this wonderful option!


  1. I cant believe you would even worry about whether or not we would tell you if ine of your fake boobs had slipped. Do you honestly think that Kate and I, for instance, would casually let something like that go unnoticed? Hell no! I'd say the laughter alone should get you checking armpits!

    But seriously, tell us about these boobs! Does showing your doctor require pulling up your shirt, or pulling them out of your purse?

    I'm excited about your new boobies Sis! Congrats!

  2. Yahoo! Boobies! : )

    I'm confused, too. When you say prosthesis, do you mean they attach to your body, or is a bra-type situation or what? Is it permanent or can you take it/them off when you want/need to?

  3. I KNOW you two would tell me (via uncontrollable laughter) if one of my boobs had slipped - it's everyone else I worried about you dorks!

    Unfortunately, I can't really explain too much about them because I'm clueless about it taking 4 full days to work with Irene. If you go onto her web site, it explains quite a bit. They're worn inside a regular bra but are form fitting to my chest. I can even wear them without a bra if I'm wearing a tight shirt!

    God I hope no guys are reading this!

  4. Wow! I went to the website; those look so real!!

    Can I "honk" yours when you get 'em??

  5. Only if I can "honk" yours...

  6. Ok, I'm sitting here in my kitchen alone at 6:30 am, when I suddenly burst out in FULL BLOWN laughter! (And of course then Gracie starts doing HER belly laugh, which makes me laugh even harder!)
    >wiping tears from my eyes<
    Maybe we should skip the honking, I don't think I could handle that. I'm pretty sure I'd pee my pants!
