Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Few Pictures...

Adam is making some money...

The Smoke Inn closes - loved those pepper bacon burgers...

I won a few bucks the day before my birthday!

And, maybe we'd be best not to talk about this...

Because my mother always told me...


  1. First of all, Yes you should post daily update pics of the progress.
    And 2nd, I cant believe Elmer got stuck again. Why in the hell does he insist on driving down there???
    An third, Since when do you listen to Mom? Or anyone else for that matter!

  2. Lala: yes, 2. unbelievable, but--he's a man, 3. she's trying, really.

    Jodi: atta boy Adam, lookin'good. yeaaa on the bucks, ah, geeze Elmer, and sweet little Thumper, (from whom I obviously didn't learn a thing)-----oh shit, I forgot the other pic )

  3. You're PAYING Adam to help build the house he's going to live in?? WTH? Back in my day we had to build the house with our own two hands if we wanted a roof over our head, and we didn't get paid NOTHIN.

  4. And that's a bummer about the Smoke Inn. That's a Boise institution! Could they just not make it anymore, or is the guy retiring?
