Monday, September 20, 2010

Today, I Put Up My Blue Star Flag...

The Blue Star Flag first appeared in 1917, when an Army captain who had two sons serving on the front line designed it as a tribute to their dedication and service. The flag quickly became the unofficial symbol of a child in the service. Today, families who have a loved one serving in the military display a blue star flag in the inside front window of their homes to show the family’s pride in their loved one who is serving and to remind others that preserving America’s freedom demands much.

Thanks to all the members of the 116th and all those serving in our military. Come home safe...


  1. I did not know that. Now I'll look for those flags where ever I go.

    He'll be home, safe and sound, before ya know it, sis. You raised him to be be smart and safe and strong.

  2. If you see a flag with a gold star, that means the family has lost a soldier in the war.

    I mostly feel so bad for Heather and the girls and Jake. Hopefully, he'll be able to come home on leave once over the next year.

    And I am going to miss his wonderful hugs. He's turned out to be a wonderful man and I'm so grateful for that.

  3. Watching the news yesterday was hard---seeing families being separated. The younger kids don't understand but the others sure do. And of course , I LOVE, LOVE LOVE seeing them come home and the excitement of families and the service men and women.
    Be safe and we will all be thinking of you every day.

  4. I did not know that.

    Keeping Jake - and all of you - in my heart & prayers. I LOVE our soldiers!

  5. I thought about them all night (the night before)and all day yesterday. I think I cried everytime they showed the departure on the news too. It's so sad to see all of the families saying good bye to their mommies, daddies, husbands and wives. I know I'll be thinking about Jake everyday that he is gone. Hopfully Heather, Grace & Halia will hold strong together!
