Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Son...

I have been so incredibly blessed to have 3 wonderful kids. My 2 oldest have turned out to be so caring and concerned about others (still working on that with the youngest, but he hasn't had enough life experience yet to understand how hard some people have it in life).

The picture below is my son and his family on the day he returned from a year in Afghanistan. I'm so very proud of them...

We found out a few weeks ago, that my son will be deployed in August for a year in Iraq. Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about it. I will again, return to snail mail and write him letters at least once a week. I think it's important for deployed soldiers to have hand-written letters. Email is nice, but it's just not the same.

Today, our family is meeting at a park to spend some quality time and let the kids play. We're going to start doing that every other week until Jake leaves in August. We all think it will be great for him to have some nice memories before he leaves. His wife is expecting their second child early in July. It's hard for us all to think of him having to leave a brand new baby but I hope he knows that we will all be doing everything we can to help his family while he's gone.

So, later we'll be enjoying a beautiful day in the sun and taking lots of pictures. I am so lucky.


  1. Oh, and I see you posted pictures--yeaaa. This is such a great idea and I just love having our family all in one place. Thanks a bunch!

  2. It made me tear up when I read this post. I hate that Jake has to keep going away. But I know he is doing what's right for him and his family.
