Friday, June 4, 2010

It's 6:20 am

and one of our roosters is crowing. He started out several weeks ago with a kind of sick sound that was pretty quiet. Today however, he sounds like a rooster. I think this weekend he's going to have to find a new home. I don't imagine the neighbors will like it too much once he starts waking them up at 6:20 on Sundays...


  1. Dang, and there's no 'hermits' living up on the 'hill' that you can give them to!

    Seriously, I LOVE the sound of a crowing rooster.

  2. Ruh roh, rooster. Can't you, you know, eat him?

  3. Kate ! You don't eat members of the family ! Geez, ya cannibel.

  4. Someone in our neighborhood has a rooster. We hear it frequently, all day long. One of my other neighbors complained to me about it. I decided NOT to tell her it was illegal to have a rooster in town because *I* like hearing the stupid bird crow. Apparently most of the neighbors feel the same way because the rooster has been around for a couple years now. :)
