Saturday, May 8, 2010

Now I've Done It, I've Killed My Neighbor's Horse...

Yesterday, my sister Kate posted about how she's found some horses that she and her daughter are riding. I grew up always having a horse and have missed it so much. Evidently, her post brought back some wonderful memories.

Last night I was riding my neighbors horse through the most beautiful green meadows. I was riding bareback and we were galloping in a way it was almost like floating. I could smell the meadow grass and feel the sun on my back. I thought how wonderful it was to be back on a horse again when suddenly ahead, I saw a ditch and wondered if the horse would jump it. On the other side of the ditch was a drop off with the same beautiful grass and at the bottom was the most wonderful grove of trees. As we got closer to the ditch, I could tell the horse was afraid to jump so somehow I brought my feet up to the horses withers and gave it a big shove. The motion propelled me off the horse but it worked, the horse jumped the ditch - and right off the drop off into the beautiful grove of trees. Dead.

Get up damn it! I didn't know you were afraid to jump a ditch, it was just a little ditch! A beautiful ditch with green grass.I finally found a horse to ride and it's dead.

Damn it Kate, thanks to you, I've killed my neighbors horse. I wonder if they'll let me ride the other one...


  1. Oh Jodi, thanks for giving me my morning laugh! Almost spit coffee across the kitchen!Next time make sure you borrow the smart and brave horse!!

  2. DAMN GIRL! That is some imagination you have there!!!
    Why didn't you just imagine the horse flying gracefully over the ditch? Ya fool! Geez, I gotta teach you how to daydream right???

  3. It was an actual nighttime dream - I had no control.

  4. I nominate this for "The Most Attention-Getting Post Headline Award" for 2010!

  5. Hahahahahahahaha! Really? I get an award? Almost makes killing that horse not quite so bad...

  6. You print the story and didn't SAY it was a dream ! geeeeeeze ya got everyone all shook up an skeered!

  7. Yeah, you just traumatized poor little Anna for life!!!

  8. Dang! And I thought my dreams were bad. I'm not going to loan you my horse in a dream!
