Sunday, May 16, 2010

2010 Hillbilly Gathering...

It's over for another year and we had such a great time! I have the most wonderful family and friends. Even though there were fewer people (we've decided April is better as yesterday was graduation for BSU, NNU, U of I and lots of graduation parties) we raised almost $5,000 for Casting for Recovery. The auction was a huge hit, people got some wonderful items, and we had a great time.


The "almost famous" frozen t-shirt game...

With several new techniques this year. Some tried sitting on them to warm them up, while my sister Kate decided she would steal the shirt closest to being opened. She tried stealing from 2 different people...

and at one point, she and the original owner of the t-shirt each had an arm in an armhole but I think the most sober of the two ended up...

the winner!

The new fishing game was fun...

DJ Dave - you were awesome!

Some visiting...

This is my friend Jaci from Portland. We hadn't seen eachother since second grade in Winnemucca, Nv. and found eachother about a year ago on Facebook. Jaci, thanks for traveling so far to come...

And we ended the evening with The Fire Kittens. You guys were so amazing to watch and we loved having you - I hope you'll consider coming back next year!

While my goal was $5,000, we ended up raising $4,601! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our donors, to my sister Linda for being a great MC, Kate - well, it just wouldn't be a party without you, Ceci and the CFR girls for all your help, my mom for everything you did, my husband and Tad for cooking a great pig and to all of you for coming and for helping to raise a darn decent amount for Casting for Recovery! Next year - even bigger and better.


  1. LOVE the pictures!! You got some great ones.

    Such a fun fun FUN party; can't wait for next year!

    My word verification is "stomp"! ha! perfect.

  2. GREAT pictures ----you hit the highlights, and shared the fun.
    You are so brave to plan to do this again next year-----hoooooray for Jodi ! So much work, you made it look so easy.
    You put so much time, hard work and love into this charity, THANK YOU !
    THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Aw ma! You know I don't take compliments well. But, thank you - and thank YOU!

  4. We had a blast! We're already penciling in next year's party. :)
