Thursday, April 15, 2010

On Being a Grama...

Last night, I became a "real" grama.

Tim, Jacki's husband was playing in a softball game last night so I went down to spend some time with Jacki and the kids. I was sitting in a chair and Allie climbed onto my lap. We were chatting and I noticed Allie had reached up and was gently stroking my neck just under my jawbone. All of a sudden it hit me - NO, not a foul ball - that I used to do the exact same thing to my grama. I suddenly had the most wonderul memory of how I loved to sit on her lap and gently touch the skin on her neck, it was so soft. I didn't think of her as old, just special. My mom didn't have that soft skin, only grama - and oh, how I loved her.

In all reality, I've known I had a "grama" neck for a couple of years now. But, for some reason, my grandkids have just noticed - and I really don't mind. I love being a grama and only hope that I can be as special to them and my grama was to me. Grandkids must be Gods way of not only making getting older so bearable but also so enjoyable...


  1. THAT is the cutest picture in the whole world! I LOVE it!

  2. YAY!! That "old moldy" skin is good for somethin'! ha! ((don't hurt me...))

  3. What a sweet story!! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Linda and Jess, thanks - Kate, PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTT! Your turn is coming sister!

  5. YOU ARE A SPECIAL GRANDMA ! Just look at you playing with Allie and you show all your little ones so much love, caring, attention and very seriously listen to their conversations with you.

    I LOVE that sweet picture.

  6. you are a PERFECT grama! Allie, Kole & Gracie just adore you!!!! Love you!

  7. Well, there's nothing easier than being a grama.
