Friday, March 19, 2010

Lucy and the Chicks...

Lucy is now about 8 months old and it's finally warm enough that we felt safe to do a "soft" release with her. We took her palace outside and opened the doors. For the first several hours, she was too frightened to even come out of her bed. She LOVES her bed. But, finally she ventured out and has been enjoying being a squirrel. She spends the day mostly on the porch but has jumped into the trees a few times but always returns to the safety (and food) of the porch and her cage.

See how fat she is? She even has boobs.

We decided to replace the chickens that the skunk got last year so we've got 12 chicks ready for the henhouse once they get a little bigger. Can't wait for the fresh eggs!

I'm thinking maybe we'll hang the hide of the last skunk that killed our chickens out on the pen. Might be a good reminder for the next skunk when he sees what Elmer and Jr. will do to him should he try to eat our chickens...


  1. Lucy is so cute! Is ahe a rescue squirell?

  2. Yes Sheri, we raised her from a pinky (that means tiny with no hair) last year. We probably should have released her last fall but Elmer and Jr. absolutely love her and were afraid she wouldn't make it through the winter.

  3. she's got bigger boobs than I do!!!

  4. Lucy is a feisty little now! I think she can protect herself in the big cruel world.

    E. Jr is a "scary to skunks" kind of guy !

  5. Thats the fattest squirrel she looks more like a marmot! We were just laughing so hard; she's HUGE!! What have you been feeding that beast?

    You're not letting her go in HS are you? Are there other squirrels there?

  6. Yeah, we're releasing her up here. There's a few squirrels here but not too many so that they're territorial. Actually, the perfect spot!

    She is fat isn't she? I'm hoping now that she's out she'll get enough exercise to slim down some!

  7. I love squirrels. :) Lucy is one lucky squirrel.

    I'm thinking the skunk hide would be a good deterrent - to something. P.U.!!!!

    I'm jealous of the chickies. Been so long since we had chickens. :(

  8. That purely cracks me up that your squirrel has boobs. She's definitely plump!

    I have chicken envy--I want some! You guys need to make a hat out of that skunk hide to wear to May's event.

  9. That is one fat squirrel!

    What are you gonna do with the chickens that turn out to be roosters? Can you take a rooster to a vet and have their 'crower' removed?

  10. Jaci and Casey, you should get some chickens! Here in our area, you're allowed 3 hens in the city limits.

    Linda, I don't know what we'll do with any pesky roosters that pop out. I'm pretty sure we have at least one. Want it?
