Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Haiti Zip Line...

Did anyone watch people on the zip line in Vancouver during the Olympics? Sissys! It looked like fun, but it was only about 200 yards long.

While we were on our cruise, I had decided to try a zip line. So, on our stop in Haiti my friend Rena and I suited up. She just sent me these pictures a few days ago.

This is actually a "practice" zip. It's only about 50 feet off the ground at the top and about 200 yards long. I think they set up the practice zip at the bottom of the hill because the actual zip is way up this dirt road on a mountain and I'm pretty sure they don't want you chickening out once you're up there. We saw a big truck upside down at the bottom of a gully on the way up this wagon trail - it was quite the road.

Did I mention I'm terrified of heights? Yep. SCARED. TO. DEATH. The hardest part by far is once they get you into the harness and you're standing on the ledge and they tell you to "sit". You can hang on to the steel supports like a mother while you're waiting to get suited, but once you have to sit you're screwed. Bobbing up and down with the wind, swinging back and forth over the thousands of feet below you, thinking (and possibly screaming out loud), "JUST GIVE ME A SHOVE AND LET ME GET THE HELL OFF OF HERE!" But that would be terribly embarrassing to do that now wouldn't it?

That's not us in this picture. The guys (standing safely below) couldn't tell when we were coming so they couldn't get pictures of us but this gives you an idea of how far this zip is. See that tiny little white thing on top of that hill? That's the tower we started from. It was REALLY scary, but dang it was fun! Your feet come within just a few yards of touching the ocean several times. Something I would definately do again!


  1. WWOOOOWW!!! You've wanted to do that for so long! That must have been a hoot! I'm so glad you got to experience that!

  2. Wow, that is amazing. I'm proud of you doing that and getting to experience the way out ! excitement! Scary, yes but unforgettable !

  3. You stud! I can't believe you did that!!! You're the biggest chicken I know! Way to go Sis!!!!

  4. RIGHT ON, Aunt Jod! Now get over here so I can take you climbing! You are ready :)

  5. Oh Kel, how I'd love to see France, but rock climbing? I watch people doing that and think "So what are they going to do once they get to the top? They have to bust their butts to get back down."

    I'd love to send Adam over with Andy and Hailey someday, what an experience that would be!

    Hope you have a wonderful time with your mom! Love you!

  6. That is truly scary. I don't think this chicken could do it. I'd pee my pants.

    But I am proud of you for doing it. Way to go!!!
