Monday, December 7, 2009

Time For Somthing New?

For many years, I've thought about becoming a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteer. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for children and especially children who need extra help in their lives. So, I've decided after too many years of thinking about it, that it's time to act. Adam is old enough that he's independant, and I need something new to be involved in.

Hopefully, I'll be accepted because I'm really ready to put my time and effort into this new cause. But I wonder, do you think I'm emotionally healthy enough for the trauma these kids have been through? Do you think I have enough to give?


  1. I can't think of anyone that I know who has MORE love to give than you, Jod. You have a heart of gold with a soft-spot for underdogs. And you are a fierce protector of the people you care about. I have not doubt whatsoever that you will be a wonderful force in those children's lives.

  2. Aw, thanks Kate. I just hope I'm emotionally capable of dealing with the neglect and abuse without bringing them all home with me. I worry about that...

  3. I would absolutely think you'd be great for this. I recognize though that it would be so hard to hear some of the things that happen to kids.

    I guess the thing to remember is that abuse tends to be cyclical, and perhaps you'll be able to have enough influence as an advocate that you could help break the cycle. What you give now will have tremendous impact for years to come...possibly even for generations. I think it's a beautiful thing to do, and Matt talks about doing it too. Maybe you can help talk him in to it!

  4. Sure Casey! We could go through training together! I'm sending my on-line application today if I can get a response from the 3 people who I want to use as references. I guess if not, I'll come up with 3 others!

  5. This is a great program. Get ready to understsand bureaucracy in its glory. Working with the courts and Health & Welfare can be frustrating and intimidating but you can do it Jodi! (Take it from a mom of 4 that have been fostered and adopted through the state).
    All you need is a loving heart, an open mind and the ability to advocated for the children. You go girl!

  6. Well Tallulah, I may come to you for advice if I feel I need it! I know you've been through SO much and whether you like it or not, I admire you!

  7. That is a beautiful thing, Jodi. See, that's what I was just talking about ! You will be a wonderful advocate, but------ya gotta leave the kids there.

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