Monday, June 22, 2009


If you've noticed, I follow a blog called Bakerella, "because someday, I'll be able to do this." Occasionally, she gives away goodies. Well guess what! I won her random draw for edible pens!

Well, ok, the pens themselves aren't edible I don't imagine, but the ink is. She makes these wonderful cupcakes and cake pops. I actually tried to make cake pops at Easter because hers were so cute. Not so good.

But here's what SHE can do with the edible ink.

Now you all know that I don't cook. In fact, anything I try, if I can't/don't do it perfectly the first time I try it, then I'm done. Well, she wants pictures of what I do with them. HELP! ANYBODY? T, do you bake? Do you think I could hire someone to do something really cute and then send pictures? Now I've got to admit, I did make a decent, well, it was edible, meatloaf tonight. Do you think I could make meatloaf pops and use the pens on those?

I'm beginning to sweat, my heart is beating funny - PANIC ATTACK!!!!!!


  1. This looks like fun! Congrats on the win. Let me know when, cuz I'd love to help.

  2. Woohoo! I think you and Heather and Jacki should have a "baking" day. Between the 3 of you, you'll come up with something wonderful!

    And no, meatloaf pops do not sound appetizing.

  3. Heather, you're on! Maybe sugar cookie pops?

  4. Well now you have yourself in a pickle now don't you?

  5. Well thanks T, that's NOT what I expected from you! I thought you'd say "Now honey, I can help you out with this..."

  6. You sign up for and win the darndest things. You never cease to surprise me. It never gets dull over there, does it !

    You girls will come up with some cute goodies.

  7. You must be very're always winning something! Did Ival win his chair? Be sure and post the picture of what you make...unless it's meatloaf pops, honestly, no one will want to see those.

  8. Nope Sheri, we didn't win the chair. The red and blue one won - that sucker was ugly.

    Ok, that's it. Next time you come to Boise, I'm making you meatloaf pops!!!

  9. I saw some of her work on Pioneer Woman's site. They took step by step pictures and made it look really easy! I'll find the link for you. Congrats and good luck!

  10. Here it is:

  11. Fancy, you see, that's why I tried her pops at Easter, she makes it look so easy! However mine didn't look anything like hers. Rats.

    I'll check out Pioneer Woman's website though.

  12. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
