Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Deodorant, Could You Live Without It?

As I was going through my routine this morning I remembered a funny I had a few years ago. I went for months wondering what was going on. After having my first breast cancer surgery, I would shower and for some reason, I would use deodorant under my left arm and then when I went to use it under my right arm, it stopped working. I'd spray and spray and it just wasn't working. WTH! Now mind you, most people look in the mirror to put on their deodorant, but it wasn't a pretty sight. So, instead, I'd put on my shirt, then apply deodorant. Well, after a few months of this, I finally realized, I had no feeling under my right arm, so I had obviously been just caking on the spray deodorant under that arm, simply because I couldn't feel it being applied! Boy, did I feel stupid!

Then this morning, I remembered something I had been told when I discovered I had lymphodemia on my right arm. "Don't use any lotions, sunscreen, or deodorant. It can cause your arm to swell." The first year after chemo was an absolute blur, but I think I remember I actually tried not using deodorant for a while. I'm pretty sure I couldn't stand myself so I just decided it wasn't worth it.

Now really, could you/would you go without using deodorant? I think not...


  1. You know whats funny... you're the only person that I know of that actually uses spray deodorant. LOL!

  2. My grandma used to use spray deodorant. ;) Heehee...

    And to answer your question -- no. I could NEVER go without deodorant. I put it on and sometimes it STILL doesn't work. I'd be a very stinky girl without it!

  3. You and your spray deoderant are responsible for the BLAAAAACK HOOOOOOLE. I didn't even know they MADE spary deoderant any more.

    But that story of you spraying (and spraying) your right armpit? That's funny!! You = dork.

  4. Awwwww,Jodi, she called you a Dork-------again !
    Yes, they make spray deodorant---sometimes that's all I can find so I go to another store----same with hair spray----I won't buy the aerosol can.
    aaannnnwayyyy, I didn''t realize that you didn't have feeling under that arm. That's weird. So, they cut nerves as well as lymph nodes. geeze, the dr. needs to be more careful !

  5. How can you all stand that sticky feeling that roll ons leave??? Course I wouldn't be able to feel it under my right arm but my left - yuck!

  6. mom... when was the last time you tried regular deodorant? They don't make it sticky anymore! Alright... you asked for it! I know what I'm gittin ya for mothers day! :o}

  7. REALLY! Oh my gosh, that's what I've always wanted!!!!

    In all reality - NO gifts will be accepted for Mother's day, just the presence of your company.

  8. Nope. Cannot go without deoderant.
