Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Day At The Spa...

Zooey is almost a year old and I'm ashamed to say, she's never been to the beauty parlor - so, it was time. Now mind you, we HAVE given her a lot of baths, but I just thought she needed the royal treatment. So, here's the girls after a day at the spa...


  1. she is soooooo friggin cute! I want one of her soooooo bad!

  2. I don't think I have EVER seen a dog look so embarassed ! ! !
    Zooey is humiliated ! Look at those eyes !

    The girls do look lovely !

  3. She looks pissed! But look at that adorable 'do!!

  4. It looks like she stuck her finger in a power outlet!

  5. Yep, she's really cute, embarassed, pissed, and looks just like she stuck her toe in a light socket. She loves her new do today though!

  6. You shoulda done Before and After photos!
