Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Pig Cooker...

I thought you'd all appreciate an update on the pig cooker. I know you've been wondering "I wonder if those hillbillies are gettin' that pig cooker ready for the big Hillbilly Gatherin'".

Well, we got her all painted up purdy and Elmer's dad went out and bought a trailer for her. Yup, we got the pig cooker free and Elmer's dad spent a whole bunch of money on a trailer. So, today they got her permanently placed on her trailer and now Elmer and his brother and cousin are out puttin' a double BBQ together to go on one end. The baby BBQ is going to be for doin' things like jalapeno poppers and stuff.

Elmer works on this thing almost every night. I have to admit, when it's all done, it's going to be a pretty neat set-up. He's going to try and get some catering jobs for a little extra money. Now I know you're thinkin' "Geez, I hope she posts pictures of that beaut when it's all done!" Well, of course I will.

But, she's just about done and will be all ready to cook that pig for the Hillbilly Gatherin' on April 25th.

Hope to see you all there!


  1. LOL! i really think this is his calling in life.

  2. Somehow, I think you're right. I can just picture him cooking pigs or ribs and poppers and having a great time doing it. I told him I'd supply the potato salad and sweet tea for any jobs he gets!

  3. mmmmmmmm sweet tea! I can't wait for summer!

  4. And her name is.....???

    That is so cute how excited he is and how much work he's putting into "her". Can't wait for the party!

    Anybody have any ideas what I can do with my kiddo during the party? I want to bring her to Boise (not to mention that I sort of have to since it's my weekend with her)...but I don't know what to do with her since everyone I know will be at the party.

  5. We'll come up with something for Anna. Between Jacki, Linda and I we'll find something. Are you guys driving or flying?

  6. I love your cooker. Name suggestions:
    Pigglesworth Snortimer or Snorti for short.


    Spamela Anderson

    Your Mom and I voted and these were the winners.

  7. We're flying. For some reason David prefers a one hour flight vs. 8 hours of wind-y, logging-truck jammed roads along treacherous rivers without guard rails. He's such a sissy. ;)

  8. Spamela Anderson! ha! That's good, Bonnie!

  9. I like Spamela Anderson too. You ladies crack me up!

    Glad you're flying - but I love that drive too, it's beautiful!

  10. THAT'S s cooker ! And it gives the guys something to do---another toy-----but they will say its hard work.
    We reap the benefits. ! yeaaaaa
