Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons, THROW A HILLBILLY PARTY!

The news is nothing but sad. People are jobless, some are without insurance, and we all live from paycheck to paycheck. I'm a nurturer so it's really hard for me to not spend EVERY. WAKING. MOMENT. thinking about how I can fix things - at least for the people I know and love. But I can't and it's time for me to realize that before I end up committed.

SO, we're going to throw a party. We haven't decided when yet, - probably March or April, but we'll rent the barn, and have a "The economy stinks but I can still get drunk" hillbilly party. For one day/night we'll all have the opportunity to laugh, play some really dumb-ass games, dance to stupid songs from the 60s and 70s, tell some stories and eat some really good food. If we all bring something to eat and a few dollars, it will cover the cost of the barn. I've got some great hillbilly games planned that I'm sure none of you have ever played!

If you're reading this, consider yourself invited. Jaci, you and Don can drive over. Kate and Sheri, get yourselves plane tickets. Tallulah and boisecommaidaho, I expect to see you there. Bonnie, it's time for you to come and see mom again. Sue, even though you only live a few miles away, I'll come and pick you up if Cliff is out of town - I know you can only make right turns and I don't want you to end up going in circles. It'll be a great way to meet new friends and have some fun!

If you've got some ideas and would like to help with planning, let me know!


  1. Woohoo!! Count us in! Maybe we should have a Hillbilly costume party. Oh wait...Steve would win without even trying. heee!

  2. Is Steve your Brother? I can't believe Ival wouldn't run a close second! If I come I need to know if it is plain or fancy? In other words....should I wear my teeth?

  3. You crack me up!
    Thanks for the invite. Gosh, do I have any hillbilly duds?

  4. Sheri, there will be plenty of us there without our teeth so whatever you're most comfortable with. I'll find a picture of Steve - he's the ORIGINAL hillbilly and no one will top him!

    Tallulah, I'm SURE you must have hillbilly clothes - doesn't everyone?

  5. Ooh! Ooh!! I think it should be a Hillbilly PROM!!!

  6. That sounds like fun ! Everything I own is Hillbilly. And I haven't been drunk for a lonnnnnng time. Its time we all let 'er rip !

  7. I guess I will wear my teeth just in case there is something worth chewing but I'm not gonna wear a bra....no way.

  8. hahahaha yeeeee hawwwww!
    we fitna have a hillbilly shindig and yalls is invited!

  9. Yes, and Lisa if we have it after Koby arrives, I expect she'll be wearin' sumthin' appropriate.

  10. Count me in Jodi, I wanna help. I NEED this right now!!!

  11. Just not the same weekend as opening weekend for trout... Or maybe, hey, yeah - Don can go fish with his relatives and I can drive on over to Idaho. He'll be fishing in eastern Oregon...

    Or better yet - I'll call Terry and make him drive up North and we'll come on over. Terry can be my Designated Driver (he stays sober).

    Yee Haaaawwwwwwww

  12. We should have a date by this weekend, I'm going to get the barn reserved, and Jaci, bring Don or Terry or both!

    I don't often (ok, never) throw parties or even go to parties, but I can guarantee you, Linda and I are going to make this will be one you won't want to miss.

  13. Gosh, thanks for the invite. I'll check my closet, but I'm sure growing up in Idaho has ensured a few hillbilly clothes.
