Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm Getting the Bug...

I've always loved antiques. They're built well, full of history, and add so much to a home. They just make me happy. Before cancer, I had a job where I made enough money that I could buy some things every month so I used to be able to spend some time (ok, LOTS of time) on ebay - oh how I love ebay!

My sister Linda and I used to hit all the second hand stores and auctions. We found some of the most wonderful things and when we had enough, we'd set up at a couple of antique shows throughout the year and sell enough to go buy some more. Those were some of the best years of my life.

After things began to change, I was able to slowly wean myself from buying. But for some reason, the bug is back and I'm really wishing I could get back into buying and selling again. Is there such a job as "personal antique shopper"?

Maybe someday!


  1. Probably not, but, why not start one ! How much fun would that be, spending someone else's money ! And you would get to shop, haggle, and have the satisfaction of the purchase without having to find a place to display it or dust it .

  2. Well, I've always thought that you'd be an awesome interior decorator. Or, you could do "staging" for realtors, especially up there in HS, where your style is so perfect for the homes.

    For some reason your blog title isn't showing up properly. Did you do something to it? I have it saved on my bloglines and the title is GONE. Also, look up there ^ where it says "post a comment on" and there is nothing, where the title of your blog should be.

  3. you need any old crap to sell, I'm sure I could part with something. I'm addicted to Estate sales and I'm tired of dusting it. (Oh, who is kidding who? I don't dust.)

  4. Oh yea! I love estate sales too! Several years ago, I went to the Rosebowl Flea Market - that was so awesome!
