Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Mom And Kate...

are going to New York in about a week. It's always been one of mom's dreams to go to NYC and see the Rockettes Christmas Show, so dear Kate is taking her to realize one of her long-time dreams. Kate blogged about this trip a few days ago, and mentioned that they won't be doing a lot of walking because mom has some trouble with her back and feet. A blogger friend of Kate's suggested they rent a wheel chair or scooter to get around. Naturally, knowing mom the way we do, we all laughed at the thought of this. There is NO WAY mom would be caught dead using a wheel chair, cane, scooter, or any other type of helpful device to get around. She'd push Kate in a wheel chair before she'd sit in one!

I just had to laugh at even the THOUGHT of mom and Kate doing this and could just picture how it would be in my mind. SO, lucky all of you, I had to draw my thoughts. Now many of you know that my dad was a wonderful artist and luckily, I got some of his talent. So, below you'll see my rendition of how things would be if mom and Kate used a scooter to get around NY.

The first picture is a scooter with a basket. On this one, mom is driving because she doesn't want to look foolish sitting in the basket so she's letting Kate do that.

On this second one, Kate is driving and mom is standing on the back of the scooter with her hands on Kate's shoulders hanging on. I just had to laugh when I thought of the two of them using a scooter.


  1. Oh, Honey, I hadn't realized how LITTLE of your Father's artistic talent you inherited.

    Actually, I love it. Yes, we all had a good laugh over those thoughtful suggestions. I'm going on pain pills and will manage fine, just fine !

    Thank you for your lovely illustrations.

  2. No offense but I have seen your Dad's art.....are you sure you didn't inherit his feet or something? Cuz' it sure ain't the artistic talent!

  3. On nice Sheri. You mean you don't think I did a good job? Hmmmmph.

  4. ps jodi thank you so much for the bag o diapers!

  5. You are so weird!!! I love the one of me driving and mom standing on the back. Actually, I think we could have all kinds of fun with scooter on our trip!

    Those are awesome drawings, and I know dad would be proud! I can't believe Sheri couldn't recognize your, um, gift.

  6. Actually, I like the idea of the first one. Mom could drive, Kate in the basket. I don't see the problem there...

    P.S. I can't believe you actually sat down and DREW your ideas. And with such detail!!!

    You frickin' weirdo...

  7. I love it! How great! Next time we all play Pictionary will you PLEASE be on my team??

  8. Jodi, where did you go?? I miss you!
