Sunday, October 26, 2008

Prison Break Marathon...

It was an absolutely gorgeous day. 65 degrees and no wind. There were 600 registered runners and everyone had a good time.

These are the formula one flyover planes. It's really hard to get pictures of planes. They flew over 3 times but this was the best picture I got.
And the riot squad. They're awesome.

It was a good day and I think the Peace Officers' Memorial will get a good chunk of money from the event!


  1. How fun!!! What an awesome event. Did Heather run it?

  2. That was a great event----so glad you were a part of it. You are so good about doing all the events for the Memorial ! I'm so proud of you Jodi ! love you !

  3. I've been waiting for this post! Looks like it was a wonderful event! Kudos to you for taking the time to be involved. Oh - and that was a great photo of the fly-by. You got three of them winking bye-bye!

  4. It was fun. You probably noticed I stole your Obama/Palin Dancing with the Stars post. That was just too funny not to share!

  5. After looking at the pictures again, I think that the 2nd from the left in the Riot Squad is you!
