Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Haven't Blogged For A While...

simply because I haven't had anything nice to say. And my mom always said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

I see stupid people… they’re everywhere… they walk around just like the rest of us… they don’t even know they’re stupid…

Today, took the cake. I was coming home from Albertsons and came to a stop light at the intersection of 2 subdivisions. As my light turned green, a small SUV came from the left and stopped in the middle of the intersection waiting for the car from the other direction (who had correctly stopped because she saw the light was red). When the car from the other direction didn't go (through the red light) the dumb shit who was stopped in the intersection honked at her and flipped her off. Suddenly, he realized he was sitting in the middle of a red light and that I should have just run his ass over, so he decided to turn and go on about his merry, blame-the-other-person-for-my-dumb-ass-mistakes, life. What the hell. Are people really that stupid?

The other day, I was standing in the aisle of the store looking at something on the shelf and a woman walked past me and almost knocked me over. As I ALWAYS do, I turned to her and said "Oh, I'm sorry" - even though I knew it wasn't MY fault, and expected her to say the same thing - at the very least. She made no eye contact - even though she was standing right next to me and said nothing. It was all I could do to not slap her right across the face and say "Look you dumb ass, you almost knocked me over but don't have the sensibility or decency to say sorry!" I'm only too willing to admit the stupid things I've done (and still do) in life - just ask me, I'll even give them to you in alphabeltical order.

What has our world come to that everybody feels so damn comfortable blaming ANYBODY but themselves for their stupid mistakes in life? I just don't freakin' get it. If you do something stupid - admit it! If you say something stupid - say you're sorry! There's never anything wrong with admitting you're a dumb ass. I've done it so often I can't count. I've apologized to my kids for putting them through some of the things I've put them through in their lives, I've apologized for things I know I haven't even done wrong just to keep the peace in life (such as apologizing every freakin' time somebody else bumps into me). But I'm done. I'm just freakin' done. If your life is so pathetic that you can't even take responsibility for yourself, then keep the hell away from me because frankly, I've got enough of my own problems and I sure as hell don't want to be any part of your sorry-ass life.

My son Jake just posted something on Facebook which I absolutely love: "I'm pushing you down the Stairs of Enlightenment, so that you might find the Floor of Understanding at the bottom." You see, if people would WALK down the stairs of Enlightenment, they wouldn't have to be freakin' pushed. Take responsiblility for your life and what you do to others!

I'm sure that here in a few days, I'll even apologize for this post. But not today. Today, I'm tellin' it like it is.


  1. I agree with all of that, and I'd like to add: If you don't know anything about, for example, foreign policy, ADMIT IT. Don't try to pretend that because, for example, the state you govern is across a water-way from a foreing country that that makes you some kind of freakin' expert on the subject.

    I always think people are so much more real and attractive and interesting when they admit that they made a mistake or don't know something. It makes us human.

  2. Kate, Kate, Kate ! Does all in life pertain to politics ? What WILL you do when the election is over ! You might be bored.
    When I stop at a red light I now count how many cars go through their own red light, as mine has turned green. And I, too, have had some bumpers who did not say anything. PEOPLE !

  3. Better today? There will alway's be stupid people...sometimes we ARE the stupid people! But the blatently stupid people who are rude are the hard one's to put up with.It's the rudeness, not the stupidity that is getting under your skin! They just need to be slapped! Smile! Sheri

  4. Mom, I know, I admit it: it's an illness. As for what I'll do when the election is over, it depends on how it goes. It's entirely possible I'll be busy packing...

    : )

  5. Kate, no matter who gets elected, you may be packing.

  6. Kate better start packin
    My buddy has it in the bag

  7. On my blog, sometimes I have a post called Pet Peeve #221 (or #54 or #86). Once I get it out, I'm fine. We all have our days!

  8. OH! I have been out here in, I mean Mayberry for 4 1/2 years. I'm an Idaho native. You will probably see me down at the Merc sometimes. Super short blonde spiky hair...tatoo on back of neck and usually pissing off the teenagers or kids that are misbehaving because they never have parental guidance. lol

  9. Are you channeling me or what?
