Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rosie Posie...

We've had Rosie for 7 years. She's the sweetest Golden Retriever and we love her so much. We just found out she has canine lymphoma. She quit eating several days ago and then Monday night, Ival discovered her lymph nodes were swollen so I took her to the vet yesterday.

They gave her a shot of steroids and some pills but said if she's not eating better by Friday to take her back. We'll have her put to sleep because even though we could have more time with her, we refuse to let her starve to death. So, we may have 2 days left with her or at the most, a month.

She was the cutest puppy!

She and Daisy, our Goldendoodle, are SUCH good friends. Daisy will miss her so much.

Rosie and Daisy when Daisy was a baby.

I've been trying not to think about it, I hate to cry. We're sure going to miss her...


  1. Im sorry, mom. I know how much you guys love her and she really is a good dog. This is just the crummy part of being a pet owner. HUGS!


  2. I am crying just reading that brief of a post! We had a Rosie (part Springer/Brittany Spaniel and English Pointer. She was just the bestest dog ever. And just over a year ago we had to put our sweet (stupid) Sadie down. Oh, I just tear up thinking about it. {{{HUGS}}} and I want to tell you that putting them down is so much better than having them suffer...

  3. No! 7 is too young, dang it. Rosie is the sweetest dog, all she wants is to do is be close to you... that is so sad. :(

  4. It's so hard to lose a dog...they really do become family members. Hug each other and Rosie lot's over the next couple of days. Sheri

  5. I'm so sorry. It is so very hard to lose a friend/member of your family. ( and Honey, its ok to cry---we all did that with Smokey).

    Thank you for sharing your pictures of her----she was such a chubby baby, no wonder you fell in love with her. She's a love.

  6. Oh dang it. I'm so sorry. It's so unfair that we outlive our pets. She and Daisy are so cute together!

  7. Jod, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Rosie yesterday. It's heartbreaking to lose a beloved friend.

    But I want PUPPY pictures!! puppypuppypuppypuppyPUPPY!!!!!!!!!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about Rosie. That sucks soooo bad. It nearly killed me when I went through that with Hilde.

    I love you sis!
