Monday, August 18, 2008

RIP Napoleon...

Last Thursday night, I woke up at 4am to the chickens making a terrible racket. I grabbed the flashlight and ran out to their pen. Standing about 3 feet from me, inside with the chickens, was a skunk.

We have a long metal strip that runs down one side of the pen to give the chickens cover, so I started pounding on the metal, screaming at the skunk, then realized, YOU IDJIT! THAT'S A SKUNK! So, I ran back inside, woke up Elmer and we went out only to discover that the skunk was gone and my favorite chicken, Napoleon, was dead.

I LOVED Napoleon, he was our ostrich-chicken.


  1. Well poor Napoleon! Be sure to keep some of his feathers so that you can decorate a hat or a lamp shade! (Uh,... in honor of Napoleon, of course.)

  2. Well, I was thinking earrings.

  3. Poor , sweet, beautiful Napoleon.
    You were sooooooo lucky.
    Uh, did you try mouth to mouth on Napoleon ?

  4. Oh lord. You two deserve each other.

    I'm so sorry about Napoleon. He was a very unique chicken. Er, rooster. Whatever. But damn, I SO wanted to read that you got "skunked"...


  5. Mom, that would be mouth to beak. And I LOVE that visual!!

  6. Well, I couldn't find his beak - the skunk actually did the most bizarre thing to poor Napolean - he looked more like roadkill - all flat. If I hadn't actually seen the skunk I would have thought it was the chupacabra - you know, that "thing" people see in the southwest and Mexico that supposedly sucks all the blood and meat out of the animal and leaves just the outside.

    Sorry to disappoint you about the skunk spray Kate. I was really lucky after banging on that metal. Actually, the skunk was lucky, I was so mad he was in there that if he'd srayed me, I'd have just gone for it and lept into the cage and rung his little neck.

  7. Oh man, you're killing me. I'm crying with laughter over the visual of you getting sprayed and then you just leaping into the pen and rolling around with a skunk.

    What would we do without you and Elmer to entertain us??

  8. Napoleon was a very pretty chicken. When and where is the service going to be? If you have him cremated maybe we can make soup! Sheri

  9. Nothing left to cremate. You guys just don't GET IT! Do you want me to go out and take a picture of the remains? I'm telling ya, there's nothing left but roadkill!

  10. You should not make fun of Napoleon's passing!!
    It was probably a grusome death.

  11. How come I keep getting scolded on my blog???

    I loved Napolean, but she was a CHICKEN! When you have chickens, raccoons and skunks sometimes kill them.

    Didn't you watch The Lion King? It's all a part of "the circle of life."

    How come "Anonymous" keeps gettin' after me? I'm nice! Really I am!

  12. Anonymous doesn't count unless they have the guts to identify themselves and sign it! Sheri

  13. I agree! (I knew it wasn't you Sheri)

  14. So sorry to hear about Napoleon... But, seriously? You can have Chickens in Hidden Springs??? Cool!

  15. How do we know it wasn't a chupucabra? You didn't take pictures...

    OK, this is weird: my other friend in Idaho who has a blog just posted about her chickens, and her favorite looks just like Napoleon. Maybe he has been reincarnated already.

    Seriously - you live in IDAHO. Couldn't you think of a better name than NAPOLEON??

    shaking head...

  16. Actually, in Ada County you can have 3 chickens (no roosters) for eggs. Little known fact!

    I didn't name her Napoleon, Adam did. His friend has a black poodle with the same name and Adam thought she looked like the poodle - ugh!

  17. I agree with annon.
