Monday, August 11, 2008

Kole's First Swim...

Ival took Kole to the swimming pool Saturday for the first time. At first, he was a little apprehensive...
Then, he loved it and acted like he was in a giant bathtub.
He was quite fascinated with the little fountains. Reminded me of both Grace and Allie when they first got in the pool.

I have the greatest grand kids!


  1. Oh my god, that kid is so cute!! I love his little face.
    That was sweet of grandpa to take him swimming.

    Wait. Elmer even wears his camo hat SWIMMING??

  2. Yeah, isn't Kole a cutie !! Those big blue eyes---just like his sister. Poppa does love his grandkids ! Yesterday he kissed Allie and his mustache tickled her, so she wouldn't kiss him again. She'd pat his face but shook her head.

  3. Yes, Elmer wears his camo hat swimming. I wondered if anyone would notice...

  4. What a heartbreaker! I can't get over what a cutie he is! :)

  5. That little is just a cutie! Yeah, not surprising Elmer has his camo hat on, he probably has his huntin' boots on too.
